Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Amy's new baby, Ethan


Melissa said...

Hi Megan! I need picked up to see Stacy's baby when she comes. I looked at a map, and I know you go through or around DC--so I have you trapped. My schedule is flexible, but I happen to have jury duty on Wed, Oct 22.:-( Here's my number if you have any future dates in mind: 202-609-9882

Megan said...

Hey Melissa,
It's great to hear from you, I just went to your website and read a little bit about what you've been doing. You are definitely a talented writer! I can't wait to see you and actually catch up in person. I am headed to VA Wednesday morning for Stacy's c-section and coming home Thursday, but I know you have jury duty that day so that probably wouldn't work for you. I don't think Stacy is wanting a ton of visitors that day anyways, since she will just be getting in and out of surgery. BUT I know we are working out plans to go down after that at some point and I will definitely let you know my plans. I'm emailing this to you too in case you don't check back on here to get my reply : )