Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What we've been up to

I realize it's been a while since we (I) have blogged. Sometimes when I write on here, I feel as if I'm writing in my journal or something and am pretty transparent, so I haven't had the guts to write much lately....we've had quite a lot going on. So instead of writing too much...I will try to explain with pictures.

At the end of November, Mike and I and the "Bailey" side of the family traveled to Ohio for my Grandpa Watson's funeral. It was a very sad time but also nice to be with family. We got to see four generations together: Grandma Watson, my mom, my sister Stacy, and her daughter Wendy. Pretty neat.

I fell even more in love with my nephew Caleb....he actually played with me!

I got to watch Mike be a sweet Uncle

When we got back from OH, Mike took on full time work at the house finishing the remodel. We have come so far from what our house started out as:
















New Colors and Decor:



I'm so proud of my husband and all his hard work!

In December, we decided to start our first Christmas as a married couple with the tradition of going and cutting down a tree!

At the end of December we got to travel to South Carolina to spend Christmas. We got to stop in Stafford, VA on the way down to visit with my girlfriends from high school.

Oh yea...I dyed my hair brown.

New Year's Eve we got to celebrate with Mike's parents at Outback Steakhouse. mmmm it was very good.

After dinner, Mike and I went bowling. I would also just like to add that I BEAT MIKE in the second game. I got THREE STRIKES IN A ROW. Wow, even I am speechless.

This past weekend, Mike and I got to go skiing with a group of friends. It was tons of fun.

And that brings us to now. Mike will be starting a kitchen remodel for his friend's parents this week so we are very thankful for that. He also has a couple leads on full time jobs other than our house remodel. Please keep us in your prayers....and that I wouldn't get too burnt our at my job. Hopefully we will be on here a bit more often!


zach said...

Yay! I love all the pics...blog updating is a hard job:-)

this is stacy

Jill Brisken said...

I like all the before and after pics too! I am so jealous of your new closet!!! :-) Still praying for you and Mike on both job fronts . . .

Bill said...

WOW! I'm amazed. You finally got something going on this blog. The pics are great. Both Mom and i pray for you guys dailey. Have fun. Life is sure a blast.

lindsay said...

the house looks amazing.
mike - the closet is to die for.

Melinda said...

Despite multiple disappointments, I would faithfully check the blog with hopes of finding new info about life and today I hit the goldmine! Hooray for lots of pictures, lots of hard work, and lots of fun times with friends and family.